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Researching Micronutrients for Treating Mental Health Disorders

Micronutrient Research

There's been a considerable amount of talk surrounding the health benefits of taking a micronutrient supplement to help manage symptoms of mental illness. When diving into the research surrounding the effectiveness of micronutrients for improved mental health and clarity, it can feel a bit overwhelming. There is a considerable amount of research available, and it's difficult to break it all down and digest at times. Not to fret! I've been doing a considerable amount of research into this topic and would love to help break down the research for anyone who's interested in learning a bit more about the positive benefits of micronutrient supplements for treating symptoms of depression, anxiety, certain bipolar disorders, ADHD, stress, trauma, and psychosis. So let's dive in, shall we?

Micronutrients for Treating Mood Disorders, ADHD and Misconduct

Dr. Charles Popper, a psychiatrist at Harvard, has been studying the effects of micronutrients as psychiatric interventions for treating mood disorders, ADHD, and misconduct in teenagers and adults. He found that while various vitamins hold the power to help augment mood-altering medications, micronutrients can be used in place of these medications while offering fewer side-effects. When taken by healthy adults, micronutrients offer greater responses to stress, as well as improved cognition, and an overall sense of wellbeing. His current research findings warrant further research into the use of micronutrients as viable treatment options for mental illness.

The Safety of Broad-Spectrum Micronutrient Formulas

Additional research has been conducted on the safety of using broad-spectrum micronutrients for treating mental health disorders. Several researchers took data from every published and unpublished study conducted on the use of micronutrients to treat mental health. It was found that in both children and adults, these supplements offered positive results with far fewer side-effects than psychiatric medications. It was also found that there may be minor transitory periods of slight discomfort for some, but it never went further than mild nausea or a headache. There was no weight gain experienced by users of this treatment option or any of the other harmful side-effects that go along with most psychotropic medications.

Additional Research into Micronutrients

Extensive additional research has been conducted pertaining to the various different vitamins, minerals, essential oils and fatty acids contained in the Focus Essentials broad-spectrum micronutrient formula. Each study points toward positive effects realized from taking such nutrients. In fact, where many psychiatric medications have failed to offer safe treatment options free from side-effects, micronutrients are able to shine. In the treatment of anxiety, for example, benzodiazepines are oftentimes prescribed for PRN (as needed) instances that spike or trigger anxiety, such as when flying on a plane, etc. If these medications are prescribed or used as long-term treatment options, the risks can become fatal.

Taking a benzodiazepine every day for a month in duration is all it takes for the body to become physically dependent on it. This can cause greater anxiety for someone looking to alleviate such symptoms when the body needs more. Going cold turkey off a benzo can become fatal, as the withdrawal symptoms are so dangerous they can lead to seizures and death, so it's necessary to slowly wean off this medication if it's been taken for an extended period of time. Micronutrients have zero withdrawal effects and are not addictive, making them safer treatment options for managing stress and anxiety.

Micronutrient Supplements

Micronutrients as a Safe Treatment Option for Children

Micronutrient research has also shown these supplements to be effective at treating ADHD, bipolar disorder and psychosis in children. This is a game changer for pediatric mental health, as many psychotropic medications have not been approved by the FDA to use as a treatment in children beyond Prozac and select ADHD medications. This makes treating things like bipolar disorders and psychosis in children difficult. Now that micronutrients are becoming recognized as offering safe and effective results in children, there is no need for them to suffer untreated.

If you or someone you know are struggling with a mental illness, and receiving little to no relief from psychotropic medications, or are suffering from a variety of side-effects related to taking these medications, a micronutrient supplement may offer greater relief. As with taking any new medication or treatment option, it's always important to discuss this with your doctor, as it's not a good idea to simply cease taking any medications that have built up in your system, as this could cause more psychological distress in the long-run. Also, check in with your doctor about any issues you may have pertaining to your health to ensure that the ingredients of the micronutrient supplement you want to take do not have a negative impact on health due to allergies and such. Good mental health without side-effects is possible for anyone who seeks it. Even if you aren't suffering from a mental illness, a micronutrient can give clarity and focus beyond medications. If you're interested in adding a micronutrient supplement into your diet, I recommend trying a bottle of Focus Essentials. If you decide it's not giving you the relief you seek, you can always have a refund.

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