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Simple Solutions for Treating ADHD in Children

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorders in children today. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) over 5% of American children have been diagnosed with ADHD, and community samples suggest this number is, in fact, even higher. So just what constitutes an ADHD diagnosis? ADHD symptoms affect children differently. While some children display hyperactivity, others will sit quietly with their minds miles away in lalaland.

Other symptoms of ADHD include:

  • Being in constant motion
  • Squirming and fidgeting
  • Excessive talking
  • An inability to listen
  • Become easily distracted
  • Interrupting others when they are speaking
  • An inability to finish tasks
  • Having difficulty playing quietly
  • Intruding on the space of others

While many of these symptoms may sound like normal childlike behavior, a diagnosis can be given if at least 6 of the aforementioned symptoms are present for at least six months or longer in at least two settings (such as home, school, with a caregiver, etc.). While there is no official test for diagnosing ADHD, a healthcare practitioner will gather information from multiple sources (parents, caregivers, teachers, etc.) before arriving at this diagnosis.

Once diagnosed with ADHD, children are often treated with behavior therapy and medication. Those age six and under are recommended to undergo behavior therapy only as a first line of defense, while it's recommended to combine therapy with medication for those age six and up. However, we all know how dangerous it is to start children on amphetamines they bring into schools, as well as the danger of children selling these medications to their peers who do not have such a diagnosis.

One study examined the effectiveness of treating ADHD in children with amphetamine stimulants. While these medications were found to lessen the severity of ADHD symptoms for children in the short-term, they were also found to lead to more issues such as sleep disorders, lack of appetite, and stomach upset. This causes one to question whether the reward is worth the sacrifices these side effects bring. Who is truly benefiting from such treatment? Is it the children, or is it the caregivers?

In a society that leans toward lazy, quick-fix solutions in which there are often several people packed into small spaces in order to learn, be cared for, and more... it makes one ponder as to whether or not this line of defense is merely an attempt to control the masses and medicate any outliers (not even extreme outliers at this point) who demand more attention or care than the other children in the room.

Such ideas have caused a great amount of controversy surrounding the ADHD diagnosis, and many have questioned whether or not this is even a valid medical condition, or something made up by pharmaceutical companies to profit from, to help correct less than optimal parenting, and help alleviate the problem of overcrowding in schools that are now governed solely by the ability to pass standardized tests.

Child neurologist, Dr. Fred Baughman, has over 35 years of experience in the field and stands firmly on the belief of ADHD being a scam manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. He told PBS that:

“Psychiatry has never validated ADHD as a biologic entity, so their fraud and their misrepresentation is in saying to the parents of the patients in the office, saying to the public of the United States, that this and every other psychiatric diagnosis is, in fact, a brain disease.”

Even the “founder” of ADHD, Dr. Leon Eisenberg, said on his deathbed that ADHD is a “prime example of a fictitious disease.” He also expressed concern about it being over-diagnosed, as well as pushed on an unsuspecting public by pharmaceutical companies.

With such powerful statements coming from experts in the field, it causes one to question just how to deal with this issue when parents, caregivers, teachers and others who are in supervising roles over children report a child as presenting with the symptoms of this disorder.

The Solution

It's important to note that children can function in school with ADHD sans medication and that a bit of extra attention from parents, caregivers, and teachers is all that is needed to remedy such symptoms. Other lines of defense aside from behavioral therapy include ensuring that children receive adequate attention, sleep, exercise, and a well-balanced diet.

One way to ensure children are receiving all of the nutrition they need to have a clearly focused and functioning mind is the use of a micronutrient supplement. Studies have been conducted on the use of such micronutrients in combating several symptoms of “mental illness” in both children and adults, and have found this line of defense to work.

If you're interested in trying a micronutrient supplement for treating ADHD in your child, I recommend giving the Focus Essentials formula a try. There is a money-back guarantee if this doesn't help your child to function optimally at school, home and beyond, so there's no risk in giving this option a shot before resorting to amphetamines.

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