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Focus Essentials Blog: Information on a variety of mental health issues

Stress Management Behaviors Developed by Teen Years Impact Health More Than We Thought

Stress Management Behaviors Developed by Teen Years Impact Health More Than We Thought
Growing up with conflict in the home can be difficult for children and adolescents alike. High amounts of stress in the home can affect offspring in a number of ways. What researchers are just discovering is that these effects reach further than originally thought.

10 Daily Habits for Improved Mental Health

Habits to improve mental health
With one in four Americans suffering from at least one mental health disorder in a given year, the need for mental health awareness and education is real. Managing good mental health may seem like an impossible feat, but by implementing these 10 daily habits into your life you'll be well on your way to experiencing more smiles than frowns and everything else in between.

7 Tips to Help You Stay Focused and Present this Fall

Focused and Present
It can be difficult to focus throughout the year, and with school just beginning and the holidays around the corner, stress, depression, ADHD and anxiety are likely. Here are 7 wonderful tips for staying focused and present this season.

Moody? Possible Causes and Practical Solutions

Irritable mood in children
Do you or someone you know suffer from chronic moodiness? You're not alone. There are a vareity of causes for moodiness. Cases rooted in mental health will find comfort in a new holistic treatment solution for managing mood disorders and beyond.

Stress: How it Impacts Us and How to Conquer It

Harmful effects of stress
It's no secret that stress is an unpleasant part of life that can leave a person feeling down. Sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat, and racing thoughts ...