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Focus Essentials Blog: Information on a variety of mental health issues

Researching Micronutrients for Treating Mental Health Disorders

Researching Micronutrients for Treating Mental Health Disorders
There's been a considerable amount of talk surrounding the health benefits of taking a micronutrient supplement to help manage symptoms of mental illness. Learn more about the research conducted on the effectiveness of using micronutrient supplements to treat mental illness.

Tips for Maintaining Diet and Exercise for Overall Mental and Physical Wellbeing

Diet and exercise to reduce stress
There isn't enough to be said about the importance of eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise for better overall health and wellness. In our busy society today, this can be difficult. Here are some tips for managing a healthy diet and exercise for overall physical and mental wellbeing.

10 Daily Habits for Improved Mental Health

Habits to improve mental health
With one in four Americans suffering from at least one mental health disorder in a given year, the need for mental health awareness and education is real. Managing good mental health may seem like an impossible feat, but by implementing these 10 daily habits into your life you'll be well on your way to experiencing more smiles than frowns and everything else in between.

7 Tips to Help You Stay Focused and Present this Fall

Focused and Present
It can be difficult to focus throughout the year, and with school just beginning and the holidays around the corner, stress, depression, ADHD and anxiety are likely. Here are 7 wonderful tips for staying focused and present this season.

Moody? Possible Causes and Practical Solutions

Irritable mood in children
Do you or someone you know suffer from chronic moodiness? You're not alone. There are a vareity of causes for moodiness. Cases rooted in mental health will find comfort in a new holistic treatment solution for managing mood disorders and beyond.

Diagnosing and Treating Bipolar Disorder

Treating bipolar disorder
“I feel like I'm a snow globe and someone shook me up and now every little piece of me is falling back randomly and nothing is ending up where it used to be.” ― Amy Reed, Crazy

A Country Reliant on Psychotropic Meds—Consequences and Solutions

Psychotropic meds for depression

Over 55 million Americans relies on at least one psychiatric medication each year. We dive deeper into this issue, and take a look at the consequences of this reliance on medications, as well as the solution.  

Micronutrients for Mental Health: A Healthier More Effective Treatment Option?

Micronutrients for mental health
Several peer-reviewed research studies surrounding the use of essential micronutrients to treat anxiety, depression, bipolar, ADHD, trauma and psychosis disorders point toward a new way for treating mental illness. Micronutrients are an effective way to improve overall mental health and clarity where psychiatric medications have failed.